Wall to Wall Carpeting
McGowan’s Flooring has been in the carpet business since 1994. The quality of our installation is top notch and we hold our installers to the highest of standards. Along with manufacturer warranties we guaranty every carpet installation for the life of the job.
What is Wall to Wall Carpeting?
Wall to wall carpeting is the process of covering the entire floor where ever your carpet is being installed. The intention is to make sure the carpet fills all areas of a room from wall to wall. This process may also be called fitted carpeting and is usually installed according to the dimensions of a specific area within your home.
Things to know about carpet.
- Nylon is the most popular carpet fiber in the country.
- Carpet pile can be synthetic, natural, or a blend of different fibers
- Polyester has a wool look and is used for cut-pile-carpets.
- Olefin is a synthetic fiber usually sold in muted colors meaning it’s dulled down by mixing the colors with white or grey.
- Nylon is usually the most durable when treated and stain protected followed by polyester known for it’s feel, colors, and styles .
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